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Ross publishes children’s book about baseball

Tyler James Ross

A Warrenton native and business owner, the author collaborated will Williamsburg artist Elizabeth Prillaman.

Warrenton real estate broker Tyler Ross has published a children’s picture book titled Donkey and the Farm Team.

The book takes readers on a journey through lessons of perseverance as a team of farm animals explores America’s favorite pastime, baseball. 

He drew inspiration from “two goals converging into one,” Mr. Ross said. “First, it was a personal gift to my children. But second, I hoped to pay homage to the incredible mentors I’ve had by passing along their lessons: using failures as opportunities, setting goals, being the best ‘you’ rather than trying to be something you’re not, among others.

“Knowing these lessons are captured and will be passed down my family line forever, it feels like a huge success. But the book has taken on its own life. The thought of it making a positive impact on other kids? That’s amazing.”

The protagonist is a timid and frequently teased Donkey, who with mentorship from Toad, begins to find success through practice, patience and determination.

“Falling down is part of life,” Mr. Ross said. “Being teased, failures, 100 percent of us experience those things. I hope the book helps kids learn to leverage those experiences into opportunities for growth, just like Donkey.”

He collaborated with Williamsburg artist Elizabeth Prillaman.

“The illustrations are what really makes the book appealing to kids,” Mr. Ross said. “Elizabeth’s artistic interpretation of the story was spot-on, better than I could have ever imagined, and it’s her first book.

“Her range is incredible, I’m convinced we’ll see her name more and more.”

Several teachers already have praised the book and plan to build lesson plans around it, according to the author.

Priced at $17.95, the book is available at The Natural Marketplace in Warrenton, at or on Amazon.


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